Frequently Asked Questions

How long does shipping take?

We aim to deliver your items within 2 working days.

My order has not arrived, what should I do?

If it has been more than 5 working days since you ordered, please get in touch with our customer service team at and we will help you to locate your order.

Can I cancel my order?

Once the order has been placed, you will be unable to cancel.

Can I change the delivery address for the order?

If the order has not been dispatched already, we can amend the delivery address. Please contact our customer service team immediately at if you wish to amend the delivery address.

What is the return policy?

If you are not satisfied with the resources you purchased, please contact us within 14 days to request a return. We will provide you with a reference number and instructions on where to send the items.

Please note that returns will only be accepted with a valid reference number. Once you receive the reference, you must return the items within 14 days. You will be responsible for the cost of return postage.

Upon receiving the returned items, we will inspect them, and if they meet our return criteria, we will process a refund for the purchase price, excluding the original postage costs.

I am a teacher from a school, can we bulk order at a discounted rate?

If you would like to purchase for a school, please get in touch with our support team at to find out about our discounted bulk purchase rates.

I live outside the UK, can I still place an order?

We are currently not shipping outside the UK, however, please get in touch with our customer service team at and we will see what we can do to help.

What size are the resources?

Our Flashcards are 130 mm x 90 mm and our Summary Sheets are a landscape A4 booklet. We have designed them to be light-weight and easy to transport.

I have a vision impairment, are larger resources available?

Please get in touch with our customer service team at so we can assist.